Hello everyone who’s still following this blog! It’s been a while! This week, I got an enquiry about the brand of Hutch’s iconic varsity jacket (or letterman jacket, baseball jacket – it has many names). I hadn’t been able to figure it out before, but now I got lucky and I’m here to share the information. The brand is Whiting. You can read more about it in the updated post about the jacket.

I’m still struggling with how to continue my work on this inventory, so this might not yet be the end of my blogging hiatus. When I finally start posting new items, I may have to give up some features I first thought were important, such as backdating the posts to the first appearance of the item in the show (it takes a lot of work to be anywhere near certain of that), or writing up lists of all the episodes where the item is seen (even more work to be anywhere near certain of those!). We’ll see how it goes.

However, if there’s some item in the show belonging to Starsky or Hutch that you’ve been wondering about and can’t find in this blog, please don’t hesitate to contact me – if I don’t have an answer ready, I’ll be more than happy to dig around and see if I might get as lucky as I did today with the jacket brand. Learning new stuff about the show is so much fun!