The black, white-speckled roasting pan Hutch uses to make the Paul Muni special for Starsky in the tag of 01-10 “Lady Blue” was one of those generic kitchen items I never expected to be possible to identify. But then Daisy Morgan realized that she has a newer version of that pan in her kitchen (and, like the true Starsky & Hutch fan that she is, then made a Paul Muni special in it). So now we know it’s a GraniteWare roasting pan! Thanks for this great tip, Daisy!

This roasting pan is apparently a real American classic, and if you want your own, it’s still in production!

“GraniteWare by Columbian Home Products has been a part of American kitchens for nearly 150 years. Our classic enamel coated cookware continues to be manufactured in our family owned, Terre Haute, Indiana factory as it has been since 1906. It is the original speckled cookware that has helped generations of families turn holiday feasts and everyday meals into cherished memories.”

Here is the link to the company’s home page: GraniteWare covered roasting pans